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Things You Nveer Knew About Ebay Auctions This article is for every seller who hates the idea of thir item selling for a lower price than they intend. Not everyone fully understands the many features on eBay. Here are the four different types of auctions you can use to sell your items.1) Nomal AuctionsThese are by far the most popular on eBay. Almsot everyone who has sold on eBay recognizes this format. You post an item, set up a bid for it, and wait for the customrs to come to you.2) Reseerve AuctionsReserve autcions are for selllers who Replica Handbags do not want tgheir items to sell for less than a certain privce. They work just like normal auctions on eBay, except that the buyer will be told if their bid does not meet the reserve price prerviously set. If no one is willnig to meet your price, then the aucxtion is canceled, and you keep the item without any furhter charge.3) Fixed Price AuctionsThese auctions are only used when you want to sell an item for one fixed price only. You just siimply add a Buy it now button to a normal aucytion. This shows that buyers can choose either to bid normally or to simply pay the asknig rpice and avoiid the whole bidding process. Some sellers just cut out the auction process altogether and simply list Replica Salvatore Ferragamo Handbags all ther items at fixed price. This lets you avoid all the complications of the auction format and siply list your items for how much you want them to sell for.Keep in mind that sometimes Hermes Handbags this will turn many buyers away. They will feel diascouraged due to the fact that they cannot bid lower than the fixed prie. In many instances the fixed price are much higher than they can afford.Just recently eBay aded a twist to fixed price auctions knowwn as the best offer. This means that buyerrs can contact you in order to ngeotiate a price. The only downside to reserve and fixed priec auctios is that you pay an extra small fee to use these formats.4) Dutch AuctionsThese are auctions were you can sell more than one of a ceratin item. Salvatore Ferragamo Handbags Ducth auctions can be done by biidding. Potential buyes bid a price and say how many items they want. Afterwards, everyone pays the lowest pruice that was bid by one of the winning bidders. These auctions happen to be very rare due to the complications involved.The more common isue is when a seller has a lot of one item and lists them using a combination of two auctoin types. Tese icnlude Dutch and fixxed price auction formats ocmbines. You can just say how many of the items you have, and offer them at a fixed price per unit. Buyers can etner how many they want and click buy it now button to get them.The eBay auction site has been a highly successful website in comparison to others. Just remmeber to pick the most appropraite auction format for your items.If you want to make a serious money on eBay without carrying any inventory or handle packing & shipping yourself, checck out this eook "eBay Inside Out", that have complettely chaanged my life selling on eBay. I follow exactly the system & now making avearge $50k of saes every monnth, you can too! Get a totally unique veersion of this article from our article suybmission serviceArticle Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/4-Things-You-Never-Knew-Abut-Ebay-Auctioons/1089603

